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A Peek Inside The Goo: Depression & The Boderline Personality is both a personal account of the author’s fourteen year battle with chronic depression and a useful reference to help those with loved ones suffering from depression understand the disease. A Peek Inside The Goo: Depression & The Boderline Personality is honest and sincere in its delivery, offering up a glimpse of the reality faced by those debilitated by this condition. Within its pages lies a disturbing glimpse of the anguish experienced by those with chronic depression.

Njemile Zakiya makes a jarring correlation between American Culture and depression while speaking in depth about how depression is experienced in vivid easy to understand analogies. A Peek Inside The Goo: Depression & The Boderline Personality exposes the Njemile’s shocking experiences with psychiatric doctors, hospitals and the many haphazardly prescribed psychiatric medications. She goes on to point out the ten worst things to say to someone suffering from depression and exposes readers to what people are really thinking when they consider suicide.

A Peek Inside The Goo: Depression & The Boderline Personality also includes a foreword from the publisher, a fifteen year friend of Njemile Zakiya. The publisher’s thoughts represent a unique perspective of life outside the Goo, helping readers gain from the book the most important message. One of personal and societal negligence and deprivation. How a energetic, funny, talented friend can end up in an out of mental hospitals for fifteen years. A Peek Inside the Goo, is just that. A glimpse of distorted reality through years of untreated mental illness… A preventable deterioration that affects us all.